And it's time for another great track from the past. Today we go back to late 2005 to remember British ex-
Blue member
Lee Ryan in his own video with cars and horses.
Turn Your Car Around was the second single from his debut solo album and was credited to be another hit, like first single
Army Of Lovers was, due to heavy promotion for the track. The track didn't match its expectations and peaked only at number 12 on the UK Charts. Still, it went to number 2 on Italy. Now, the track itself is great, probably one of the best I ever heard, and like any other great track, it wasn't that successful.
Turn Your Car Around was, like they say, a moderate hit across Europe (a bit more successful on southern Europe). The video is also very good, though very simple. First we see
Lee driving his car through the desert, then he has a flat tyre and founds a black wild horse, which he accomplishes to befriend in the end of the video. Purely great, here's
Lee Ryan's
Turn Your Car Around (no MP3 or iTunes link today, sorry)... Enjoy!
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