Hello to you all... Today I decided to make a more personal post cuz there was something goin' on that I think you should be informed about. I'm not sure if you noticed already, but most of my videos, most of my productions, were deleted (or as they say, rejected) by
YouTube for
Copyright Infringement... Well, I'm not sure what was the real problem, because my videos weren't that appealing and I didn't used them to actually gain money. It was actually more about a promotion for those songs. Anyway, I wanted you to know that, this way, I won't upload any more videos on
YouTube. I should be uploading a last one during the following week, but also that one might be
Rejected by
YouTube so, I don't really give a shit. I will find a new host to my videos.
Moving on, today I had my driving test. The lady who evaluated my driving skills was actually really arsh and anything but friendly, but thank God, I passed my exam, so now I'm able to drive. In order of festivities, I decided to post the most famous song about cars right now... Everybody's favourite
Snow Patrol's
Chasing Cars... Enjoy and until tomorrow!
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